• A lot of people are more familiar with physical abuse because it is tangible, and it is often perpetrated against the body. It is easier to prove physical abuse because such abuse often leaves physical evidence as proof. Emotional abuse, on the other hand, can be quite complex in that it cannot be seen. The person against whom the emotional abuse is being perpetrated might not realize early on that they are being emotionally abused because it mostly involves [...]

  • Are you in a relationship that has you questioning your memory or second-guessing your thought processes and judgment? If your sense of reality doesn’t match what your partner keeps saying, you may be experiencing gaslighting in a relationship. This little space on the internet is for you, my friend. Repeated gaslighting is abusive behavior. It is important that if you can relate to this article, you get help right away. What Gaslighting in a Relationship Feels Like You may [...]

  • Listen to this article God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth is more than we can see and beyond what we can fathom. While we glorify Him for His masterful creation of all we engage with our physical senses, our spiritual nature realizes that there is infinitely more that we haven’t yet encountered. For those of us who have placed faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, for our salvation, we will likely spend all of eternity [...]

  • Healing from trauma is a complex process. While you may want it to be an upward trajectory from day one, the reality is that healing from trauma is a journey with many ups and downs. The linear process you long for is more likely to be one with highs and lows. Ultimately, the goal is that you trend upward over time. Even as you account for the ups and downs, your process moves forward to a healthier place than [...]