
Ascending from the Ashes: Overcoming Past Trauma

By |April 22nd, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

Listen to this article God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth is more than we can see and beyond what we can fathom. While we glorify Him for His masterful creation of all we engage with our physical senses, our spiritual nature realizes that there is infinitely more that we haven’t yet encountered. For those of us who have placed faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, for our salvation, we will likely spend all of eternity discovering facets of His holiness, yet never encounter a moment of repetition. He has assured in His Word that there is more for His beloved ones to experience. The Holy Spirit edges us forward to unveiling of what unfolds, beyond what we perceive through natural senses or imagination (1 Corinthians 2:10). We don’t have to be intimidated but rather intrigued by the vastness of what we cannot comprehend. Yet, if we’re more familiar with pain and dysfunctional patterns emerging from personal or family trauma, then the thought of the unknown can be unnerving. What exists beyond our control can trigger fear and frustration. These can bring disruptive flashbacks and has the potential to fracture relationships when our pain and past have more of a stronghold than God’s grip. We can feel like trauma encompasses our identity, appearing to consume our lives in its carnivorous wake, eclipsing our view of the eternal God, who is greater than all of it. However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” – the things God has prepared for those who love him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9, NIV Faith to experience the reality of a healed heart might be an area where we wrestle, as it requires belief and trust beyond [...]

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The Journey of Healing After Trauma

By |October 6th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

Healing from trauma is a complex process. While you may want it to be an upward trajectory from day one, the reality is that healing from trauma is a journey with many ups and downs. The linear process you long for is more likely to be one with highs and lows. Ultimately, the goal is that you trend upward over time. Even as you account for the ups and downs, your process moves forward to a healthier place than when the trauma occurred. To help you understand this process, it is important to consider different things you may experience along the way. This will help you when the ups and downs come so they don’t catch you off guard and leave you feeling completely derailed and hopeless. When you recognize that your journey will have ups and downs, it helps you persevere so you can find the healing you desire. Steps in the Journey of Healing After Trauma Some of the ups and downs you may feel on your journey of healing after trauma include: Total shock. It is not surprising that someone who experiences a trauma begins by feeling shocked. This can be so intense that it is overwhelming as if you don’t have a way to process what happened. It may even seem like it was impossible or didn’t happen. Trying to process. As the shock wears off, you may begin the journey of processing the trauma. This can mean different things but often involves moving from a state of disbelief to one where you consider what happened and how it impacted you. Feeling okay. One of the most surprising things after a trauma can be the first time you feel okay. You may not feel like life is normal, but at some point, a day, or [...]

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