Spiritual Development

Journeying Effectively With a Loved One On the Path to Spiritual Growth

By |August 13th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Some things are just way more fun when you do them with another person. Hiking, dancing, watching a movie, getting a good workout in, making a meal, going thrifting – these and many other activities can be fun when you do them with someone else. This isn’t to say you can’t do them alone, or that they lack something as a solo activity. Rather, if you do them with a like-minded person who’s up for it, it can be even more fun to share that activity. Our biology and the way God made us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27) means that we are hardwired to be relational and social creatures. We thrive best when we are with others and connected in meaningful relationships with those others. This reality of our interdependence becomes even more apparent when we’re going through a tough time. Our social network can help us bear up under stressful and difficult situations. A person’s spiritual journey is a deeply intimate and complex area of their life. Their relationship with God might be their most cherished relationship, it might inform the core of who they are, they may be struggling with God in this season of life, or perhaps they are new believers and still investigating what it means to know God and be in a relationship with Him. Whatever situation they are in, having someone to come alongside them can be a blessing. Spiritual growth as personal and communal There is a sense in which spiritual growth is a deeply personal endeavor, something between you and God. But there is another sense in which it is also a deeply communal experience, too. Jesus spoke about a person’s prayer life, saying that we shouldn’t be like hypocrites who love to stand and pray in public to be [...]

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How to Forgive a Loved One Who Hurts You

By |May 17th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

We don’t always choose the people we love. By dint of circumstance and the various situations we find ourselves in, our lives become populated with people and relationships that have a huge impact on us, for good or for ill. People such as our parents, siblings, and relatives who form part of our extended family are a given for many of us, and they are in our lives before we are even able to make decisions about such things. Our loved ones aren’t perfect people, whether they just happened to be in our lives at the right place and time or because we chose to make them part of our lives. They make mistakes, whether these are errors in judgment, the result of poor communication, the inability to see someone else’s perspective, or sometimes through doing and saying hurtful things deliberately. When mistakes happen, they threaten the relationship and its ongoing existence. One of the main ways to deal with relational hurt is to forgive the person who hurt you. Forgiveness isn’t always easy, not only from the perspective of understanding what you’re doing when you’re forgiving someone but also from the experience of offering forgiveness itself. This article will provide some pointers for how to forgive a loved one who has hurt you. The place of forgiveness in relationships In all relationships, there comes a time when harm is caused, inadvertently or otherwise. Your loved one might not show up when you were relying on them to babysit. They might let slip to someone else something that was said in confidence. They might break a promise to pursue their rehab and treatment. They might lie, and so break your trust. They might say something in public that humiliates you. There are many ways for people to hurt each [...]

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When You Don’t Feel Safe and Secure: Bible Verses About Fear

By |May 11th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

The world doesn’t always feel safe and hospitable toward us. Sometimes it feels downright hostile, and we just have to push our way through to stay ahead of trouble. There are lots of things that we experience that elicit fear from us, including concerns about whether we might lose our job, the fear evoked by the imminent sickness or death of a loved one, concerns about the future of our children, fear of being alone or unloved, or fears about our well-being and safety. For some, the last few years of living through a pandemic confirmed some of their worst nightmares, and there was much uncertainty which multiplied fears. Fear, while being a helpful emotion that allows us to be cautious and steer clear of danger, can become a problem. It can steal your joy. It can rob you of peace. It can make you uncertain and undermine your confidence. The Bible never seeks to disabuse us of the fact that the world is a dangerous place, and we are not promised safety from everything common to humanity. Jesus, God’s own Son who had committed no sin, went through fearful horrors none of us would wish upon our worst enemy. He says to His followers, “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” (John 15:20 ESV). But He also says to them: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). Jesus’ followers will go through hardships, but He promises them that since He has overcome the world, they [...]

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How to Set Spiritual Goals: Aligning What You Want with God’s Desires

By |February 22nd, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

We know the Bible verses about God giving us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4), that God has plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and that the Lord directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). But what does that tangibly mean with reference to our spiritual goals? It can be a challenge to weigh what we want with what we think God has for us. We want to live in a way that honors God and puts our faith into practice in our lives. But what this means for us and the choices we make every day can be harder to put into words. What are spiritual goals? A spiritual goal can be stated as simply a goal for your spiritual life. Every January many of us make a list of what we hope to accomplish in the following year. While it might be easy to add “read the Bible this year” or “pray every day” to our list of to-dos, for a spiritual goal to truly change us, it needs to involve more than just rote action. Often when we decide on a spiritual goal, we forget the most important piece: God. When was the last time you asked God what He wanted for you? Instead of telling God what you want out of your spiritual walk this year, ask Him to impress upon your heart what He desires. Maybe it’s to get up earlier and do a regular quiet time. Perhaps it will be volunteering somewhere or getting involved in a new group. Maybe it will be letting something go - an activity, social media, television - to create more space for Him. By letting God tell you what He desires, we are allowing God to speak into how we live our lives. Give God space to speak. We [...]

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Seeds for Success: Steps to Support Your Spiritual Development

By |August 31st, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

God knows how to maximize the gifts and abilities that He placed in us. While there are elements of our purpose and destiny that require proving and maturity, we need to realize that the Holy Spirit wants to mobilize us wherever we are now. It is often through a process of spiritual development that God works to grow what has been planted (1 Corinthians 3:7). Through our spiritual development, He activates a testimony in us that witnesses who God is and what He can do. Our lives may not always reflect a showy presentation. However, even our resilience from falling and rebounding speak of God’s goodness, grace, and glory in our lives (Psalm 37:24). Our society often emphasizes work ethic, noting that if a person wants something, he or she works for it. While that stretches and develops character, life happens along the way, disrupting our view of the plans we’ve made. Sometimes we put in the work, but results don’t always follow a linear path. We make investments toward a specific outcome, but human plans are notorious for encountering roadblocks. This can frustrate us if we have a vision that God has given us, but He, in His wise way, works through our detours and disruptions to produce the desires He’s placed in our hearts. Commit your works to the LORD, And your plans will be established. – Proverbs 16:3, ESV Spiritual development: See the vision While we could become discouraged, we must encourage our hearts in the Lord. Nurturing the vision is essential to spiritual development. It requires that we believe that we already have what we’ve requested from the Lord (1 John 5:15). Scripture underscores this and will build and boost faith. The Word helps us to see through the eyes of faith what hasn’t yet [...]

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