There are so many significant events that can be considered traumatic. The Christian counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling are ready to help you navigate through those events in order to overcome your struggle with trauma. Most resources define trauma as a damaging psychological response to an extremely distressing event. This could even be an emotional response. Traumatic events are different for each person.

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Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365

Trauma can typically be identified by various symptoms that can present themselves in any combination. Two of the most common feelings associated with trauma are a high level of fear or extreme helplessness.

There are four areas of symptoms that can manifest when a person is suffering from trauma:

Physical symptoms 

  • Insomnia
  • Changes in eating
  • Exhaustion or fatigue
  • Easily Startled
  • Nervousness/Anxiety
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sexual dysfunction

Psychological trauma symptoms 

  • Depression
  • Survivor’s guilt
  • Irritability
  • Shock/Disbelief
  • Extreme fear/anxiety
  • OCD behaviors
  • Isolation
  • Lack of emotions

Cognitive trauma symptoms 

  • Confusion
  • Nightmares
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Loss of memory
  • Continuous thoughts of the event

Behavioral trauma symptoms

  • No longer interested in favorite activities
  • Avoid places that are similar to the place of the event
  • Borderline paranoia

When a person lives through a traumatic experience, they may not realize they need counseling in the beginning. Sometimes the effects of the trauma slowly affect the person, and other times they hit all at once. Learning to identify symptoms will help the person recognize when they need to see a Christian counselor for trauma.

Here are some ways to help you decide if you could benefit from seeking trauma counseling at Stone Oak Christian Counseling:

  • Are you experiencing flashbacks or night terrors?
  • Do you find that you are using drugs or alcohol in an abusive manner?
  • Have you alienated yourself from friends and family?
  • Do you feel as though you cannot concentrate at work or school?
  • Do you stay away from places that may remind you of the traumatic event?
  • Are you suffering from anxiety? Depression?

The counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling provide you with the help you need to navigate the hard issues while providing a safe place for you to discuss your thoughts, memories, fears, and emotions.

Stone Oak Christian Counseling will focus on achieving results that will help you reach the recovery you desire.

Some of the traumatic issues that Christian trauma counseling in Stone Oak, Texas can help with include:

  • Natural disaster aftermath
  • Combat/Military experiences
  • Abusive relationships
  • Childhood neglect/abuse
  • Traumatic illness/injury
  • Grief/sudden loss

The goal is not only to help you identify the trauma but to also become engaged in a productive and peaceful lifestyle. This is accomplished by assisting you with learning how to process memories and emotions as well as understanding how to return to a fulfilling lifestyle. Your counselor can also help you learn to build solid and trusting relationships.

There is no one specific form of trauma counseling because each situation and person is different. The method each counselor uses will depend on the age of the victim, the specifics of the event, and the way the event has affected that person.

Psychodynamic therapy is when the counselor builds a therapeutic and trusting relationship with the client.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to help bring awareness to the thoughts and behaviors that are connected to the traumatic experience.

Lifespan Integration Therapy focuses on achieving healing by using a therapeutic method that is physically-based and avoids any reintroduction to the trauma.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy involves using CBT with rhythmic eye movements to unblock memories in order to process them safely.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy focuses on assisting the client in learning how to identify the tension that has built up and release it in a way that will help the body heal itself.

Becoming Free from the Pain

Those who suffer from trauma need to find a safe place to heal and learn how to regain the life they once had. This involves finding a place that is consistent in comfort and encouragement. One place this can occur is with the Christian counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365