Infidelity can cause gut-wrenching heartache and feel like a marriage-ending event, but it can also be the beginning of creating a much deeper and more intimate relationship than you had before. If your relationship has been affected by an affair, the counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Stone Oak, Texas can help you process your emotional pain, as well as support and guide you in making wise decisions in the aftermath of this devastating event.

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Infidelity is like the symptoms of a disease. If properly diagnosed and treated, and you and your spouse are both committed to doing whatever it takes to save your relationship, not only can your marriage survive, but with patience, perseverance, hard work, intentionality, and God’s help, it can go on to thrive.

No matter how deep your hurt, there is still hope. God is a healer of broken hearts, and can rebuild and restore what has been damaged or lost.

An emotional affair is an intense platonic connection between two people that resembles the intimacy and emotional connection found in a marriage. Even though it is non-sexual, it is still a betrayal because it is an intimacy with someone other than your spouse.

Emotional affairs usually develop gradually and sometimes subconsciously at first, but once you become aware that you have crossed the line, you need to break it off right away and tell someone about it. If you can talk to your spouse, start there, but if not, speak to a trusted Christian friend, your pastor, or better yet, a Christian couples counselor.

Christian counselors in Stone Oak, Texas can help you renew your commitment to your marriage and avoid spiraling downward into compromise and sin.

Following are some of the things that attending marriage counseling together after an affair can help you do.

  • Examine and understand what led to the affair
  • Identify pre-existing problems in your relationship
  • Get in touch with your needs and relationship goals
  • Improve communication between the two of you
  • Explore your goals and values to see if they are still in sync or whether they have changed over time
  • Identify what you truly want in your relationship
  • Strengthen your bond and rebuild intimacy
  • Address childhood wounds that may have contributed to the affair
  • Identify how each of you, consciously or subconsciously, may have failed to protect your marriage
  • Remember what your relationship was like before the marriage turned sour
  • Learn how to rebuild trust

Don’t let your fears get the best of you. Your spouse’s reluctance may be more a reflection of his or her fears than it is about his or her feelings about your relationship.

Whether you are the offending spouse or the spouse who was betrayed, you can still benefit from couples counseling whether your partner joins you or not. Going to couples counseling alone can help you identify and deal with your part of the infidelity, learn healthy ways to cope with the stress, and find peace. As you do, the positive changes in you may serve as a catalyst to foster change in your relationship as well.

Stone Oak Christian Counseling provides a safe, unbiased, supportive environment where both you and your spouse can speak and be heard, talk things through, and freely express your thoughts and feelings without being judged or condemned.

The Christian counselors in Stone Oak, Texas are all professional, licensed, and experienced individuals who use a Christ-based counseling approach that combines traditional clinical interventions with biblical principles, faith, and prayer to guide you through the healing process.

Pursuing relationship therapy at Stone Oak Christian Counseling can help you:

  • Address the dynamics of your relationship and identify underlying issues that may have contributed to the affair
  • Work through your feelings in a healthy, productive way
  • Rebuild trust through open communication and consistent behavior
  • Process emotions such as hurt and anger in constructive ways
  • Identify and address dysfunctional interactions that are having a negative impact on your relationship
  • Equip you with conflict resolution skills

If you have questions or are interested in setting up an appointment for Christian couples counseling in far north San Antonio, please give us a call today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365