When one is struggling with an issue or personal problem, the initial thought is that one-to-one counseling will help. This is certainly true, but there are also instances where group counseling can be of enormous value. God has made us for relationship and community, so being able to have the support and encouragement of a group of people who understand what you are going through can be invaluable in moving forward toward healing.

In group counseling in Stone Oak, Texas, the trained counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling will lead groups of 6-12 individuals, using group therapy methods to direct each group member toward an improved understanding of what they are facing and how to navigate through their problem. There will also be opportunities for each person to share their experiences and feelings, and for interaction amongst group members.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365

If you are battling with a problem or emotional issue and feel that you would like to engage with other people who are in a similar space to you, then group counseling could be a worthwhile option to pursue. It might be that you go to individual counseling as well, with the group session as an additional safe space to pursue accountability and vulnerability.

Group counseling sessions in Stone Oak will generally focus on a particular area of struggle; for example, issues like addiction, anger, anxiety, abuse, depression, divorce, trauma, self-esteem, loss and grief, or relationship issues. While the thought of attending a group therapy session in Stone Oak, Texas might seem intimidating, it is worth giving it a try, as the process can be extremely rewarding once the initial barriers of awkwardness have been broken.

Christian counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas are well equipped to lead groups dealing with various issues. The first step would be getting in touch with our reception team to find the group that would best meet your needs. In order to find the right fit, you might also want to ask for information such as how big the group is (for some people with social anxieties, a large group may be unhelpful); whether the group is open or closed (do all members join at the same time and then go through a number of sessions together, or are new members free to join at any time?); what the levels of divulging are like (some caution with regards to personal information, such as where you live, should still be exercised); and whether group therapy on its own will be enough, or whether it should be supplemented by individual sessions.

One of the benefits of group therapy in Stone Oak, Texas is that a licensed Christian counselor leads the session, and will usually have specialized training related to the specific issue. The other benefit of course is that you are on a journey toward healing together with others who can help support you as you support them.

Many people forge lifelong friendships through group therapy, as a special bond is formed between people who have experienced similar difficulties and come out together on the other side. The counselors in Stone Oak, Texas, can attest to the power of group accountability, as well as the benefit of gaining advice and wisdom from others who have walked the road.

There is great relief in bringing one’s problems into the light, and seeing that they do not need to be harbored as secrets or dealt with alone. Realizing that many others struggle in the same way can bring some perspective, and help to make the problem seem less insurmountable.

In a Christian group therapy session, there is the benefit of being able to encourage one another from God’s Word, and know that everyone is on the same page with regards to their faith and views on life this side of heaven.


Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV) says: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Group counseling in Stone Oak offers Christians this ability to help another person, and to receive that same help as together you navigate toward overcoming the challenges you face.

Contact our office at Stone Oak Christian Counseling to start the process of finding the right group to join.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365