Grief is not an easy thing for anyone to experience. It comes in many forms and can affect people in different ways. The most common form of grief is when we have lost a loved one. But there are other losses such as the loss of a pet, a job, a home, or a relationship. Any of these losses can cause a person to experience the effects of grief. The Christian grief counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Texas are available to help you navigate the emotions that come with grief.

Through Scripture-based conversations, your Christian counselor in Stone Oak, Texas can help you find the peace you need as you experience the ups and downs of navigating grief. Learning to process thoughts and emotions can help you heal during your bereavement.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all. — 2 Thessalonians 3:16, ESV 

Blessed are those who mourn,  for they shall be comforted. — Matthew 5:4, ESV

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(210) 961-8365

There are no universal answers for dealing with grief. It is different for each person. Even though there are five stages, each person may navigate those stages differently and at different times. Some people are able to process grief on their own terms while others need the assistance of Christian grief counselors.

At Stone Oak Christian Counseling, you will find counselors who are ready to create a faith-based treatment plan that will focus on your personal way of processing grief. As you and your counselor establish a workable plan structured around faith, you will find ways to process the thoughts and emotions of this painful situation.

Some of the more notable behaviors to look for would be:

  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Unable to resume normal activities
  • Feeling disconnected from others

If you could use some support in the midst of your grief, don’t hesitate to contact us at Stone Oak Christian Counseling.

Emotions can be very intense when experiencing grief. Some moments can be harder than others and some memories can cause a deeper emotional response. These are the times that can cause the inability to function in everyday life and promote a negative thought process. The grief therapists at Stone Oak Christian Counseling can assist with identifying and managing these thoughts that can become destructive.

Thoughts related to grief:

  • It was too soon
  • It’s my fault
  • God, why?
  • Life has no meaning now
  • I should have been there

Behaviors related to grief:

  • Busying yourself with activities like housecleaning and exercising
  • Finding ways to honor your loved one
  • Questioning God and being angry
  • Periods of crying and laughing
  • Needing to be around your loved ones

An important thing to understand about grief is that there are stages. There is no time frame for experiencing these stages and there is nothing that says you have to process through them in a certain order. The Christian counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas understand that processing grief is a personal journey. Your counselor will assist you in navigating through each stage.

Denial: During this stage, you will most likely have thoughts about not wanting to believe that there has been a loss. This is a common thought when it comes to dealing with the pain of loss.

Anger: When the reality of the loss sets in, there may be feelings of anger. Sometimes this anger can be intense. This anger can be directed at the person or thing that was lost. Being angry can also cause a guilty feeling for being angry, which can cause you to become angrier.

Bargaining: In the middle of all the pain and anger, you want to find hope. You want to find a way to return to life before the loss. This is where you begin having thoughts of how you could have changed the outcome.

Depression: The reality of the situation has settled in and you find that you are full of a heavy sadness. This part of grieving is normal but it can become overwhelming. If you feel that you are having trouble overcoming this stage, please reach out to Stone Oak Christian Counseling so we can assist you in your struggle with depression.

Acceptance: Just because you have reached the point of acceptance, it does not mean you are okay with the loss. It means that you have acknowledged the loss and adjusted your life accordingly. Reaching this point in the process doesn’t mean the tears or pain will be completely gone. It does mean that you have learned to process those moments and continue in the new reality without the person or thing that you lost.

Next Steps

Find support and guidance in the midst of your grief at Stone Oak Christian Counseling. Contact our reception team today to get connected with a licensed grief therapist who will walk alongside you on your journey toward healing and hope.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365