The teen years can be extremely challenging, as young people emerge from childhood and begin to see the world in a different way. Adolescents are seeking a way to express their unique identity, in addition to experiencing the many confusing bodily and emotional changes that go hand in hand with this stage of development.

Teens today are under huge amounts of pressure, with the internet and social media having opened up channels of communication in a way not experienced by previous generations. They are also under pressure to perform academically and on the sports field, and fall prey to the temptation to compare themselves to their peers.

With broken homes being the norm rather than the exception, it is little wonder that so many teenagers are experiencing a wide range of mental health issues, such as self-esteem issues, depression, and anxiety. The Christian counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas, offer a safe space for teens who are struggling to receive the counseling and support they need.

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The licensed counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling are able to draw alongside teens who are suffering from a number of different issues. Anxiety and depression can manifest in different ways, such as in eating disorders or self-injury.

Some teens are battling addictions to drugs, alcohol, or pornography, while others are dealing with relationship issues with family, friends, and partners. Other challenges may include age-old struggles with anger, self-confidence, and the stress of managing changes in one’s life. As a parent caring for a teenager, you may not be able to discern exactly what is troubling your child. However, you can rest assured that whatever issue is lurking beneath the surface, the counselors in Stone Oak, Texas will work with you and your teen to uncover the underlying issues and provide support in order to move toward healing.

In the same way that counseling is of benefit to adults in helping them process trauma or work through confusing emotions, so too is counseling of great value to teenagers. Teens are at a highly impressionable time of their lives, so the input they receive will shape their long-term emotional health. Teenagers may have a slightly more developed sense of awareness of their feelings than children, but they are still in need of much guidance, and to be able to receive it from experienced, biblically trained counselors will set them on a positive course. Contact Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Texas today to learn more about counseling for teens.

Biblically trained counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas offer counseling for teenagers from God’s Word, rooting them in their firm identity as children of the creator of the universe, precious in His sight. They will work through Scriptures that affirm their value, and explain the troubles that befall us as sinners this side of heaven.

Your teen’s counselor will also address the specific issue that your teenager is dealing with, using a variety of methods often employed in secular psychology but through a biblical lens. They will create a safe space where your teen is able to speak freely, without fear of judgement, and connect with someone who is adept at understanding where they are coming from. If appropriate, parents can sit in on the session, and your counselor may also involve the family by equipping them with appropriate tools to help navigate the problem at hand. The goal of counseling is for people to be empowered to work through issues that seemed insurmountable, and, in Christian counseling, to develop the skills needed to enable them to live fulfilling, God-honoring lives.

Next Steps

The counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Texas are passionate about helping teenagers get the help they need so they can go on to flourish and thrive, modeling what it looks like to live for God’s glory. If you know that your adolescent is struggling, do not hesitate to contact the reception team at Stone Oak Christian Counseling today to book an introductory session.

The teen years are notoriously turbulent and full of confusion, so it can be of great benefit to have the additional support of trained Christian counselors in Stone Oak, Texas. It is also normal for teenagers who have grown up in a Christian home to experience doubts regarding their faith, often linked to the personal issues that they are experiencing. The counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling are equipped to link the problem to the question and can offer biblical guidance and patient support as they sort through these issues and gain a better understanding of God and his plan for their lives.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365