An eating disorder is a mental health issue marked by extreme preoccupation with food, weight, and/or body image. At its core is an attempt to deal with deep rooted issues through a maladaptive coping mechanism that, left untreated, can negatively impact your physical and emotional well being, and be life threatening in its extreme.

If you or someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, know that you do not have to walk this path alone. Our Christian counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas, can help guide and support you through the process of pinpointing the issues underlying your eating disorder and working through them.

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(210) 961-8365

There are several types of eating disorders, but the three main ones are Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder.

  • Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight that causes you to limit your intake of food to the point of near starvation, and leads to extreme thinness and nutritional deficiency.
  • Bulimia, on the other hand, is characterized by cycles of binge eating and then trying to compensate for it by resorting to purging behaviors such as self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, and/or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain.
  • Binge Eating Disorder. Binge eating, like bulimia, involves eating large amounts of food in an out-of-control way, but without resorting to compensatory behaviors such as purging to prevent weight gain, and leads to extreme feelings of disgust and shame.

Eating disorders can affect anyone and develop at any age.

Although their exact cause is unknown, certain factors such as genetic predisposition, family history of eating disorders, or pressure to conform to societal or cultural expectations have been found to play a role.

Other risk factors may include:

  • Negative body image
  • Personality traits such as perfectionism
  • Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or trauma
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Stressful events such as major life changes and/or transitions

There are a variety of effective treatments for treating eating disorders, but none of them are one size fits all. Christian counseling in Stone Oak, Texas is tailored to your individual symptoms and needs.

The most popular treatment options are evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which provides a practical way to dig into the past to unpack what’s at the core of your disorder, and break the negative cycle by identifying faulty beliefs and maladaptive behaviors, replacing them with healthier, more realistic ones, and equip you with coping techniques for handling triggers.

Some common symptoms of eating disorders include:

  • Strong fear of gaining weight
  • Intense fear of certain foods
  • Attempting to purge after overeating by vomiting or using laxatives
  • Overeating to the point of feeling sick
  • Eating in secret or hiding food
  • Looking to food for comfort
  • Feeling ashamed of your eating habits
  • Feeling uncomfortable eating with others
  • Hiding your eating habits and bending the truth about your choices
  • Spending a lot of time thinking about food, weight, and/or body image
  • Constantly critiquing your body
  • Feeling ashamed of your weight or the way you look

An eating disorder is about much more than food. It is about something deep inside that you are trying unsuccessfully to fix with your dysfunctional eating behavior.

Our trained, licensed Christian counselors in Stone Oak, Texas can help you address the underlying factors that are driving your disorder and help you find your way to better health by:

  • Helping you normalize your eating patterns
  • Helping you identify unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy ones
  • Helping you learn healthy ways to cope with stress
  • Equipping you with problem solving skills
  • Helping you build self esteem and improve your body image
  • Helping you find victory over your stronghold through Christ who gives you strength (1 Corinthians 15:57; Philippians 4:13)

Our Christ based counseling approach combines biblical principles, faith, and prayer with secular clinical intervention to add the extra dimension of looking to Christ for ultimate healing and recovery.

If you have questions or would like to set up an appointment to meet with one of the faith-based counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling, please give us a call today. Your first appointment is risk free.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365