Anger is an emotion that we all experience. From the beginning chapters of the Bible, we have heard about anger issues. However, there are healthy expressions of anger that we can practice. Healthy anger can be a way to instigate change by causing a desire to take positive action to rectify the situation. On the other side, you may need help managing anger that has become unhealthy or destructive. The Christian counselors in Stone Oak, San Antonio, Texas can help you navigate the water of anger management through Bible-based therapy.

An example of righteous anger in the Bible is the story of Jesus becoming angry at those who were buying and selling items just outside the temple. He was angry about what they were doing and how it disrespected the house of God. His anger made a change.

And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. – Matthew 21:12, ESV

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It is important to be able to recognize when your anger has become a problem for you and those around you. Anger issues are different for every person. Here are some ways to help you identify if your anger is out of control:

  • You exhibit shouting or verbal abuse when angry.
  • Your anger has resulted in legal problems.
  • Others tend to avoid spending time with you because of your anger.
  • The anger leads you to engage in self-harm.
  • You have constant frustration with others and/or yourself.
  • You experience an onset of physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and rapid breathing when you feel angry.

When your anger begins to lead you to a place of shame, it could be time to contact Stone Oak Christian Counseling so that you can learn to process your anger in a positive and healthy manner.

Yes! Teens are no different from adults when it comes to anger. They experience the same emotions as adults but they may not yet know how to define them. Teenagers experience so many changes as they grow from childhood into adolescence. Along with hormonal and other physical changes, teens will go through bouts of emotional changes. The counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Texas are willing to help you and your teenager navigate these changes.

Anger management therapy at Stone Oak Christian Counseling can help your teen by:

  • Helping them learn to calm their emotions
  • Showing them how to create supportive relationships that provide a safe place
  • Helping them understand the love of Jesus and how it is unconditional
  • Helping them learn how to properly express emotions

Remember, being angry doesn’t automatically mean you have an anger issue. It is a normal emotion that each person will face in life. When you are angry because there is an injustice, that could a righteous anger that could effect change. When you are angry because you have a smashed piece of bread, that is unhealthy.

A few of the signs of anger issues that should cause concern include:

  • Refusing to listen to/ignoring people
  • Intensified anger with alcohol
  • Unable to calmly express emotions
  • Unable to compromise without getting angry
  • Intense outward aggression such as shouting, swearing, or physical violence
  • Signs of addiction or substance abuse
  • Inappropriate behavior that affects relationships

There are also physical manifestations that can accompany anger issues:

  • Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Headaches
  • Pressure in sinus cavities
  • High blood pressure
  • Tingling
  • Tightening in chest

Because anger comes in many forms and is different for each person, this is a complex question. Responding to an angry child is not the same as responding to a family member that is angry. In order to understand the biblical perspective of handling anger, it is best to connect with a Christian counselor at Stone Oak Christian Counseling.

Your therapist in Stone Oak, Texas can help you find relevant Scriptures in the Bible and learn how to apply the truth to the situations you face. The foundation of understanding biblical principles is knowing that God wants us to live peaceably when possible and love one another.

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:31-32, ESV


If you, your loved one, or your teen are experiencing any of the signs of anger issues mentioned above, please do not hesitate to reach out to the counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in far north San Antonio, Texas. They are ready to help you and those you love learn to manage anger in a productive way through Scripture-based discussions and proven therapeutic treatment.


If your aging parent is experiencing the effects of change in their lifestyle, reach out to the nearest counselor in your area. The Christian counselors at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in far north San Antonio, Texas can help your loved one adjust to their new lifestyle after retirement or other life changes.

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Please contact our reception team at
(210) 961-8365