Professional Development

Identifying Work Burnout: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

By |June 10th, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Professional Development|

Most homes have at least one person who goes to work every day. In some households, there are more. There are times that you may experience job burnout. Not every person will begin to have feelings of dread when they have to go to work, but it does happen. Job burnout is real and it can be costly. The stress associated with job burnout can cause health issues. There is no medical diagnosis or treatment for job burnout. The best prevention is to understand how to identify and overcome job burnout. He gives strength to the weary, and to the one who lacks might He increases power. – Isaiah 40:29, NASB What can cause job burnout? Job burnout isn’t always caused by just one factor. More often it is found that several factors have been known to contribute to job burnout. A heavy workload A heavy workload may keep you from feeling as though you made progress during your workday. This feeling of being overwhelmed with work tasks can cause resentment about your compensation. Lack of control The inability to have any sort of control of your job can cause frustration. You want to be able to have input on your schedule and workload. The lack of this can bring you to a point of job burnout through frustration at the leadership. Workplace dynamics Working with people who bully or even undermine you can cause you to dread work. A boss who is always looking over your shoulder can cause unneeded stress. The unfairness that you see when it comes to the boss who shows favoritism causes frustration and reduced respect for your boss and co-workers. Lack of reward When you complete tasks that are not in the normal scope of your duties you want to be rewarded. You [...]

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Professional Boundaries in the Workplace: What They Are and Why You Need Them

By |March 15th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationship Issues|

Boundaries are physical, mental, and emotional limits that determine how you care for yourself, interact with others, and allow others to treat you. They enable you to stay in control of your life. Professional boundaries in the workplace are especially important when you face the challenging task of trying to balance work obligations with personal time and responsibilities. Establishing professional boundaries in the workplace enables you to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life so that work-related stress does not bleed into your personal life and cause important relationships and family life to suffer. Benefits of setting professional boundaries in the workplace Life-work balance is crucial to your overall well-being. Having healthy professional boundaries at work can increase your job satisfaction, improve performance and productivity, build better working relationships with yourcolleagues, and help prevent emotional exhaustion and burnout by ensuring that your workload is fair and reasonable. Professional boundaries in the workplace also help maintain a safe and supportive work environment by identifying what behaviors are and are not acceptable in the workplace, providing each employee with clear, realistic expectations of what their role is, and fostering honest, open communication to minimize disputes and misunderstandings. Setting professional boundaries for a healthy life-work balance Establish clear work hours Define your working hours and stick to them as much as possible even if you are working from home. Let colleagues, clients, and/or your boss know that you will not be available after hours unless it is an emergency, and set limits on tasks you will accept outside of work hours. Avoid bringing work home and avoid checking e-mails or work-related messages after work hours. Prioritize self-care Taking care of yourself is an important facet of finding a balance between your personal and professional life. It will increase your [...]

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