
5 Affirmations for Building Self-Esteem

By |September 11th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

We all struggle with feelings of low self-worth from time to time. Even the people who appear confident and self-assured are often covering up for feeling “not good enough.” Things like past traumatic experiences, emotional abuse in a relationship, or poor parenting are some of the things that impact our self-esteem. Sometimes, though, we say negative things about ourselves, and that fuels our feelings of low self-esteem. In this article, we'll look at some positive tips for building self-esteem. 5 Affirmations for Building Self-Esteem The good news is that we can build our self-esteem by speaking positively about ourselves. This is known as speaking affirmations. An affirmation is a truth that resonates with us. Maybe at some point, there was a statement someone spoke about us that made us wince internally. Even the positive statements still make us feel something negative because they are hard to believe. These statements that touch a nerve are important because they show us the beliefs we cling to about ourselves. “I do not need to achieve anything to be loved.” As children many of us were only noticed or rewarded when we achieved something. For some of us, it still feels as if we are constantly working to be noticed and appreciated. It can be hard to love ourselves or accept love unless we have achieved something or done something perfectly. The truth is that we are inherently worthy of love and affection even if we never achieve one thing in life. You are lovable because of who you are, not because of what you have achieved. “My past mistakes do not make me a bad person.” The Bible says that every single person has made mistakes, and yet every person is worthy because a good God created them. Some of us have [...]

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Why Am I Eating This? Causes of Stress Eating

By |September 3rd, 2024|Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Many things in life will cause your stress to rise. Often, your response to this stress is to grab a snack. This is one of the most diagnosed responses to stress. Adults often admit that this has become a habit. Stress eating can have many negative health effects such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It is important to understand stress eating and how to overcome this habit. We must also remember that we were not created to worry. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34, NASB The cause of stress-eating Stress-eating is nothing new. It has been a way of coping with stress for many people. While it is caused by stress, other factors can be attributed to stress eating. When you are feeling overwhelmed by anger, fear, or other emotions related to situations this can produce an increase in cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone of our bodies. It can increase glucose, determine how our bodies use this glucose, and reduce inflammation. When our bodies are stressed, cortisol is released. Cortisol also releases another hormone, ghrelin, that is linked to an increase in our appetites. This is the hormone responsible for our increased appetite during stressful times. The most common craving is carbohydrates which explains why we want those sweets when we are stressed and not hungry. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7, NASB Signs of stress-eating One of the most common signs of stress-eating is that you are always grabbing that favorite [...]

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Four Ways Anger Can Be a Good Thing

By |August 28th, 2024|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anger is a powerful emotion. It is one of the most common emotions, especially during challenging circumstances. People tend to become angry when a situation is out of their control or a situation does not deliver a favorable outcome, despite prayer or other pleas for help. However, there are only a few resources out there that help people understand how to control or resolve their anger. These resources often treat the emotion as a negative issue that can lead to devastating consequences. However, this is not always the case. This lack of help causes them to build up their anger and go through the motions of life until a trial or circumstance becomes too much to bear, forcing their anger out, and projecting it onto others or the situation. This projection of their feelings can cause hurt feelings and damage to relationships. Toxic people who project their anger onto others to get a sense of justice for the wrongs they need to right in their lives can cause damage that becomes irreparable. Victims of this projection will have to exercise forgiveness to repair the relationship. However, pent-up anger that does not result in outbursts can be good. All emotions are not destructive in and of themselves. It’s not the fact that we have the feelings that become the problem, but what we do with them. It is essential to know what to do with anger. However, if a person is still dealing with the emotion but hasn’t acted upon it, it can be good for their emotional well-being. Here are four ways anger can be a good thing: When it has not resulted in sinful action Anger in and of itself is not a sin. However, it is how we react to it. Society confuses it with sin. If [...]

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Making Peace: Crafting a Recipe to Heal Toxic Family Relationships

By |August 26th, 2024|Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

The beauty of intimate relationships emerges from being seen and known by those who love us. Unconditional love and acceptance remove certain barriers from having to explain parts of ourselves that seem odd or unusual to others outside our family circle. This can free us to fully be who God created. However, this is not the case with every family. Sometimes, challenges with intimacy arise when our hearts feel unsafe with those closest to us, giving rise to a toxic family. Understanding the toxic family When toxicity rules our communication, it makes it difficult to connect. Our interactions become governed by mistrust, and we find ourselves among strangers in the place we call home. Within the network of people who may share our name or genetic makeup, we sometimes find ourselves cycling in a loop of dysfunction. What originates as an ordinary encounter on the surface can explode into an assault on our psyche and emotions. The people who love us, though imperfect, may not possess the skills to communicate their thoughts and feelings in ways that don’t objectify or offend. We may engage in interactions where we and our family members weaponize each other’s vulnerabilities. In a sense, it seems like both a blessing and curse that our families know our sensitive areas better than most. However, when conflict erupts, no one is safe when we lance one another’s soft spots. When we misuse prized information against each other, it indicates our collective unresolved personal pain. Our relatives’ humanity collides with ours, deepening wounds that seem impossible to heal. This is not the way that God intended for us to live or relate to one another. Overcoming these feelings requires more than just dismissing the encounters from our thoughts or cutting off communication. Ignoring it changes nothing, but [...]

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Journeying Effectively With a Loved One On the Path to Spiritual Growth

By |August 13th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

Some things are just way more fun when you do them with another person. Hiking, dancing, watching a movie, getting a good workout in, making a meal, going thrifting – these and many other activities can be fun when you do them with someone else. This isn’t to say you can’t do them alone, or that they lack something as a solo activity. Rather, if you do them with a like-minded person who’s up for it, it can be even more fun to share that activity. Our biology and the way God made us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27) means that we are hardwired to be relational and social creatures. We thrive best when we are with others and connected in meaningful relationships with those others. This reality of our interdependence becomes even more apparent when we’re going through a tough time. Our social network can help us bear up under stressful and difficult situations. A person’s spiritual journey is a deeply intimate and complex area of their life. Their relationship with God might be their most cherished relationship, it might inform the core of who they are, they may be struggling with God in this season of life, or perhaps they are new believers and still investigating what it means to know God and be in a relationship with Him. Whatever situation they are in, having someone to come alongside them can be a blessing. Spiritual growth as personal and communal There is a sense in which spiritual growth is a deeply personal endeavor, something between you and God. But there is another sense in which it is also a deeply communal experience, too. Jesus spoke about a person’s prayer life, saying that we shouldn’t be like hypocrites who love to stand and pray in public to be [...]

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Dealing With A Shattered Heart After Miscarriage

By |July 31st, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

Loss comes to us in different ways. One of the most devastating ways to experience loss is when it’s through a miscarriage. The promise of a new life that doesn’t come to full flower can leave one feeling confused, angry, guilty, and uncertain about the future. Understanding what happened can be a step toward finding healing and wholeness after miscarriage. Making sense of a miscarriage A miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before reaching the twentieth week of the pregnancy. No matter the circumstances, it’s emotionally devastating to lose a child. You may or may not have known that you were pregnant, but the miscarriage comes as a surprise. Miscarriages happen due to various reasons. It’s important to remember that most miscarriages aren’t caused by anything the mother, or her partner did or didn’t do. Miscarriages happen most often because of genetic abnormalities such as having too many or too few chromosomes which prevent the normal development of the baby. Other potential but less common causes include hormonal imbalances such as insufficient progesterone; uterine or cervical problems; immunological factors which include autoimmune disorders and other issues with the mother’s immune system; bacterial or viral infections; and lifestyle factors such as excessive use of alcohol or drugs as well as smoking. Additionally, there is an increased risk of miscarriage for women over thirty-five years of age, and environmental factors such as exposure to toxins, radiation, or certain chemicals can also contribute to a miscarriage. Lastly, in some cases, the cause of miscarriage may not be identified. Whatever the potential cause, if you’ve experienced a miscarriage, it’s essential to seek medical care and counseling to address any emotional or physical concerns. Finding healing after miscarriage Having a miscarriage doesn’t prevent you from being able to have a baby in [...]

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Hack Your Mornings and Your Self-Growth

By |July 24th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Self-growth is a term often used alongside personal development. It is discovering and understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is learning to grow stronger in every area: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is developing skills that will help you pursue your dreams and goals. It is growing marketable skills to land a better-paying job or position. Even if you work a full-time job, you can develop your self-growth by making minor tweaks to your morning routine. Tips for self-growth Your morning hours are precious. It is a time before the world awakens and children stir from their beds. It is often a quiet time, yet most people sleep through it. They wake up late for work, run around getting dressed, and leave work without breakfast or coffee, forcing them to stop during the commute, adding to their tardiness. But what if you could have a calmer morning? The following tips for self-growth can get you started. A morning where you work on important tasks and learn new skills is only one decision away. You are the only person who can stop you from hacking your morning routine and developing your self-growth. The night before: go to bed on time To have a productive morning, you must go to bed on time the night before. If you are used to staying up late, this may take some adjustment. Instead, try going to bed fifteen minutes earlier every evening until you reach the bedtime you need for restorative sleep. Depending on your needs, this can mean seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Creating a nightly routine will help you transition to bedtime easier. For example, try doing a relaxing activity like stretching poses or drinking hot tea. A routine triggers your mind to wind down and fall [...]

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Date Ideas for Couples (Including Frugal Options)

By |July 17th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Life is busy, and even the most devoted couples find themselves stalled out and needing date ideas. Date nights are all the rage, but the concept is not merely a trend. Spending time with your spouse allows the two of you to reconnect. Think back. When was the last time you and your partner had a deep, meaningful conversation that wasn’t about the kids, the house, or other responsibilities? Your busy schedules might make it feel like you’re constantly tag-teaming to manage everything. Here are some date ideas for couples that can help you hit the pause button on life and reconnect with each other. Whether you’re looking for entertainment, active dates, or frugal options, there’s something here for every couple, regardless of your schedule or budget. Remember, the best date ideas for couples are the ones you will do and enjoy. So, put the kids to bed an hour earlier, settle in for a good movie and snack, and enjoy each other’s company again. Entertainment date ideas for couples Laughter and fun can make dates memorable. Sharing interests and hobbies is another way to reconnect and converse about something other than children and work. The following are date ideas for couples involving entertainment. Movie theaters or outdoor movies. Concerts or the theater. Theme parks. Zoos and aquariums. Museums and art galleries. Karaoke. Road trips. You might be tempted to bring the family along for a few of these dates, such as the zoo or a theme park. However, remember that this date time is important to the relationship. If you were dating, you would not bring your family. You would want to share the moment with your significant other. Let your spouse be your sole focus during these trips, and vice versa. Active date ideas for couples Staying [...]

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It’s Okay to Grow Up: Tips for Successful Aging

By |July 10th, 2024|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

We think that growing old is something to be sad about. In years past, our society has led us to believe that growing old means you are doomed to a life of knitting and porch rocking with a cat in your lap. This is so far from the truth. Growing old is a privilege and inspiring. When you have raised your children and are enjoying life without the demands of parenthood, you find yourself in a place of learning and growing again. Successful aging is not always based on what you have accumulated in life. He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has given birth to him. – Ruth 4:15, ESV Common thoughts about getting older Throughout the years, misconceptions about aging have changed. There are still some that linger in the thought processes of most people. These thoughts have been around for decades based on the lack of information about aging. While the list is extensive, here are just a few of our most common ideas about aging as a society. As you age it is normal to feel depressed and lonely. The older you get the less sleep you need. After a certain age, you are unable to learn anything new. Older people do not need a social circle. Aging people cannot exercise due to the increased likelihood of injury. If you are old, you are poor. Older people shouldn’t be interested in intimacy. An aging person cannot contribute to society. Aging causes you to be set in your ways. The events of the world are no longer interesting to older people. Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. – [...]

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Living a Godly Life as a Single Mother

By |July 5th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

Living a godly life as a single mother can be difficult. You may feel lonely, defeated, unsure of what to do or how to accomplish something. You can feel that things are unfair and become sad or angry. All of these are valid emotions that single mothers feel. Single mothers experience a day-to-day life of having to be mother and father, the one who makes all of the decisions and who does all of the work. Decision fatigue can quickly take over – a phenomenon (though not a diagnosable medical condition) where the more decisions a person makes throughout the day, the more physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted they become. This can lead to stress and an inability to think clearly. Add to this a child or children who need you to help them and it creates a mixed bag of emotional responses such as becoming irritated, run-down, tired, overwhelmed, guilt, a sense of worthlessness, etc. God and the single mother This is where God comes into the picture in more ways than one for single moms. God sees the struggles that single mothers have. He wants to be there for us, but our Father only comes in where He is invited, He does not impose Himself on us. Having a strong relationship and just as important, a life, that reflects living in God’s will as a single mother will bring Him closer to you. You cannot expect God to help out with the day-to-day things if you are living a life of sin. What does that mean exactly? For example when you date, date with a pure intention. Date to find a godly man who will love and respect you and your children, do not date just because you are lonely. Look for men in places where a [...]

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