Smart and Wise Stress Eating

By |June 13th, 2023|Coaching, Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling|

One of the ways we increase the level of negative stress in our bodies is through the food to which we are exposed. Forcing our bodies to absorb the harmful toxins contained in the wrong types of food by stress eating increases the amount of stress our bodies must handle. Fortunately eating is an easy way for us to deal with stress effectively. Supermarket shelves and restaurant menus will often be enjoyed by only one of our body’s organs – our tongue. But they are an increased burden on the rest of our body, reducing its ability to effectively deal with stress. Most comfort foods are made from refined flour, additives, preservatives, sugar, and hidden fats. They are marketed under a label of convenience – but this is not at all how your body experiences them. Fat chance for freedom from stress eating An easy way to damage your body is to eat more fat than your body needs or to eat the wrong kinds of fat. These prevent your body from making efficient use of carbohydrates and so increase your risk of developing diabetes. Eating too much fat increases uric acid, fat, and cholesterol levels in your blood, which all contribute to the development of gout and arthritis. A diet that is high in fat also causes you to age quickly and be more vulnerable to illnesses that make your body age quicker. What is wise stress eating? Much of it is being aware of both types of fat you need to make a conscious decision about each time they pass your lips. Namely, saturated and unsaturated fats. Milk products and meat will most often contain saturated fats, the vast majority of which will have no good use other than increasing the amount of fat you carry on [...]