
How to Reduce Anxiety: Lifestyle Changes to Improve How You Feel

By |May 14th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

Chronic anxiety can create physical and emotional issues if not controlled. But events, tragedies, worries, and loss are a part of life. You cannot shield yourself from everything that feels uncomfortable or stressful, but you can lessen the effects. You need to know how to reduce anxiety for the rest of your life. How to reduce anxiety with lifestyle changes High blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity can develop over time from chronic anxiety. Although you can learn more about how to stop a panic attack and lower stress levels in just minutes, the best way to alleviate anxiety is to make lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes mean analyzing and revamping your habits. Bad habits can worsen anxiety and stress. For example, your nervous system reacts to substances such as caffeine, sugar, medications, and illegal drugs. After consuming these substances, you might feel jittery or sluggish and experience inflammation and rapid heart rate. If you suffer from chronic anxiety, your anxiety levels will rise dramatically when compounded with these substances. Knowing how to reduce anxiety starts with changing your habits. Prioritize exercise Daily exercise is a lifestyle change that can immediately affect your stress. Exercise is the first step in reducing anxiety. When you work out, your cardiovascular system works harder to pump blood and oxygen to your lungs and heart. The body releases endorphins that give you a sense of well-being and happiness. Exercise boosts your confidence and self-esteem. If your anxiety is behind your high blood pressure, you might notice that your systolic and diastolic numbers drop, and your resting heart rate decreases a few hours after exercising. Exercise is one of those tasks you must do every day in some form to reap the daily benefits. Try various workouts throughout the week, [...]

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When You Don’t Feel Safe and Secure: Bible Verses About Fear

By |May 11th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

The world doesn’t always feel safe and hospitable toward us. Sometimes it feels downright hostile, and we just have to push our way through to stay ahead of trouble. There are lots of things that we experience that elicit fear from us, including concerns about whether we might lose our job, the fear evoked by the imminent sickness or death of a loved one, concerns about the future of our children, fear of being alone or unloved, or fears about our well-being and safety. For some, the last few years of living through a pandemic confirmed some of their worst nightmares, and there was much uncertainty which multiplied fears. Fear, while being a helpful emotion that allows us to be cautious and steer clear of danger, can become a problem. It can steal your joy. It can rob you of peace. It can make you uncertain and undermine your confidence. The Bible never seeks to disabuse us of the fact that the world is a dangerous place, and we are not promised safety from everything common to humanity. Jesus, God’s own Son who had committed no sin, went through fearful horrors none of us would wish upon our worst enemy. He says to His followers, “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” (John 15:20 ESV). But He also says to them: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). Jesus’ followers will go through hardships, but He promises them that since He has overcome the world, they [...]

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It’s Okay To Be Messy: Perfectionism and Anxiety

By |April 30th, 2024|Anxiety, Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Are you a person who finds yourself tired at the end of the day because you seem to have battled thoughts of how to maintain perfection? Do you find that you get lost in making something look perfect and never complete the project? It can be exhausting not only physically but mentally as well. You find yourself in a battle for perfection even with things that you realize that no one else will ever see. When you are struggling with perfectionism and anxiety your body becomes exhausted. Defining perfectionism What is perfectionism? It is the tendency to need everything to be just right. Everything has a place, and it should always be put back in that place after being used. This sounds easy enough. However, for a house full of children, it may not be that simple and striving for perfectionism puts a strain not only on yourself but on those around you. A person with a high expectation of perfectionism may feel that something isn’t good enough if it isn’t perfect. This could be their home, the office, or even their appearance. Perfectionism is striving for control of something that is out of your control. As a person who struggles with perfectionism, you may feel as though you are always under the microscope. You feel as though everyone is looking at you and judging you based on how perfect you are. The reality is that most people aren’t even paying attention to the details that you think stand out like a sore thumb. God doesn’t want us striving to attain perfection. In a fallen world, we are unable to walk a perfect life. Our human tendencies will always lead us astray. God wants us to know that it’s okay if things are messy. Am I now trying to [...]

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Common Signs of Social Anxiety and What to Do

By |October 31st, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

It is common for someone to feel some social anxiety before going into a new situation. Whether it is the first day of a new job, going to a social event, or meeting someone new, most people experience butterflies in their stomachs or a case of jitters. Even those who appear the most confident and in control can be nervous. Fans of Ted Lasso got the chance to see how Rebecca, the owner of the soccer team Ted coaches in England, deals with her nerves. She was helping an employee find the nerve to ask for a window table at a local restaurant. It was something seemingly small, yet for the employee took much courage. The employee commented that it was easy for Rebecca to be assertive since she commanded whatever room she was in. Rebecca laughed. She was often the only woman in a room full of men, she explained. To not be overlooked and brushed off, she had a secret trick. Rebecca demonstrated her trick, which was getting as big as possible. She stood in front of the mirror and raised herself to be as big as possible while silently roaring to herself. It is a reminder to take up space, not to shy away, and that she belongs as much as anyone else. Tricks like Rebecca’s might work for some, but what if jitters go much deeper? What if any new situation, or even a gathering of friends, is enough to send someone into a panic? It is easy for the signs of social anxiety to be overlooked or minimized. Most people are afraid of public speaking. But for some, even the idea of speaking can lead to fears of saying the wrong thing, doing something embarrassing, or committing some truly horrible faux pas! It is [...]

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How to Manage Anxiety Effectively

By |June 20th, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling|

It’s normal to be a bit apprehensive and on edge in certain circumstances. Our bodies are wired to handle stressful and potentially dangerous situations by activating our fight-or-flight response. This response not only helps prepare us to act in situations of danger, but it can help in everyday life, too. Feeling a little anxious before a major presentation, job interview, or when a project is due can help you to focus and push through fatigue and other distractions. This is a good thing. However, like all things, when you get too much anxiety that can end up being a distraction, which can derail your focus. Anxiety can cause health problems with your immune system, cardiovascular health, and with your digestion too, to name a few. It’s important to effectively manage your anxiety so that it works for you rather than against you. Tips for how to manage anxiety well Like most things in life, getting a grip on anxiety requires using a mix of approaches to tackle the problem. Some effective ways to manage anxiety well include the following: Understand how anxiety works. To manage anxiety, it’s helpful to understand how it works. When you feel anxious, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, your heart rate quickens and blood flow is concentrated toward your brain and your muscles, which is where you need it to face whatever challenge is before you. Your body responds physically to anxiety, and this may also include chest pain, indigestion, and fatigue. When anxiety gets intense, it may even leave you feeling nauseous and lightheaded. Knowing these symptoms of anxiety will help you understand what your body is doing and the sensations you may be experiencing. Also, it puts you in a good position when you’re trying to calm yourself, as you can target [...]

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