Anger Issues

Four Ways Anger Can Be a Good Thing

By |August 28th, 2024|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anger is a powerful emotion. It is one of the most common emotions, especially during challenging circumstances. People tend to become angry when a situation is out of their control or a situation does not deliver a favorable outcome, despite prayer or other pleas for help. However, there are only a few resources out there that help people understand how to control or resolve their anger. These resources often treat the emotion as a negative issue that can lead to devastating consequences. However, this is not always the case. This lack of help causes them to build up their anger and go through the motions of life until a trial or circumstance becomes too much to bear, forcing their anger out, and projecting it onto others or the situation. This projection of their feelings can cause hurt feelings and damage to relationships. Toxic people who project their anger onto others to get a sense of justice for the wrongs they need to right in their lives can cause damage that becomes irreparable. Victims of this projection will have to exercise forgiveness to repair the relationship. However, pent-up anger that does not result in outbursts can be good. All emotions are not destructive in and of themselves. It’s not the fact that we have the feelings that become the problem, but what we do with them. It is essential to know what to do with anger. However, if a person is still dealing with the emotion but hasn’t acted upon it, it can be good for their emotional well-being. Here are four ways anger can be a good thing: When it has not resulted in sinful action Anger in and of itself is not a sin. However, it is how we react to it. Society confuses it with sin. If [...]

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Anger in the Bible: Wrestling with a Powerful Emotion

By |May 24th, 2024|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Listen to this article A single moment can be powerful enough to change your life forever. A single moment of anger expressed in an unhealthy way can destroy your entire life. Anger is a secondary emotion that most people experience, and it is triggered by emotional hurt. Typically, when we feel angry, we experience it as an unpleasant feeling that rises in us when we think we have been injured, mistreated, opposed in our long-held and cherished views, or when we are faced with challenges that stand in the way of us attaining our personal goals. While all people get angry, what varies between us is how often we get angry, how intensely we might feel that anger, how long it lasts, and how comfortable we feel with anger, as well as what we do with our anger once we experience it. Our anger threshold also differs from that of the next person; your anger threshold is about how easily you get angered. Is anger good, bad, or neither? Like all our other emotions, anger indicates something. When you feel anger, that is a signal to you that something in your environment isn’t right. Our feelings are designed to capture our attention and motivate us to take action to correct whatever isn’t right in our world (or to celebrate what’s going right in our world, in the case of joy). However, our feelings are not meant to control us. We have to learn to get to the root of what causes negative emotions and begin the process of learning how to take control of them. Depending on who you are, your personality, and your life experiences, you probably view anger and the expression of anger a certain way. There are some people for whom feeling anger and [...]

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Signs of Anger Issues and Finding Help to Deal With Your Anger

By |August 21st, 2023|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Our emotions are an important part of who we are. They enrich our experiences and motivate us to express the very depths of ourselves. Seeing a child smile and laugh draws out our own spontaneous joy, and we can’t help but feel good at that moment. Other emotions, like anger or sadness, are equally part of us, and we need them to experience life fully. Rethink anger and its value. Many people would look at anger and consider it a negative or unhealthy emotion. Often, the reason for this is that we feel angry at things, and in those moments we would characterize as negative. Additionally, when we experience the anger of others, it tends to be a negative experience. No one wants to be at the receiving end of a tirade at the grocery store or the ball game. Too many expressions of anger tend to be unpleasant because they are often uncontrolled, disrespectful, and hurtful. Anger is a natural, healthy emotion that helps us navigate the world. Our anger typically alerts us when a personal boundary has been violated, or if an expectation has been disappointed. We get angry at external events such as a traffic jam that impedes our progress, and we also get angry when we experience failure or are humiliated. In these and other instances of feeling angry, anger alerts us that something has gone awry and needs to be addressed. It matters how we respond to our feelings of anger. It’s better for us and the people in our lives for us to express our anger in a clear, assertive, and calm manner. Instead of suppressing or repressing anger, it is better to articulate it. This enables us to do something about it and not allow it to fester and become resentment or [...]

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7 Tips for Anger Management

By |June 27th, 2023|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anger can get the best of us, ruining relationships and jeopardizing careers. An angry outburst may only last seconds, but the consequences can last a lifetime if you don't employ anger management. The Bible states, “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” (Ephesians 4:26, NIV) Anger is a normal emotion, but like any other emotion can be righteous or sinful, depending on many circumstances. Uncontrolled anger, for example, can hurt other people. Your expression of anger can include words and actions you can never take back. You must learn how to control your anger with tips for anger management. 7 Tips for Anger Management To get control of anger, be willing to practice tips for anger management. These strategies will help you to slow down and process what is happening instead of reacting on impulse. You can write the list of tips on an index card or in the notes section of your phone as a reminder. Don’t react. When you are in the heat of the moment, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can do this. You may be dealing with a person who wants you to react. You take away their power when you do not respond to their behavior. This does not mean that you will not address the situation in the future, but you need time to process what is happening and this person’s motivation. Is this person pushing blame onto you, or do you play a role? Be honest with yourself. Are you responsible for the confrontation? If it is a scenario where you are in a traffic jam, and someone honks and yells at you, try to remember that they are in the same frustrating place that you are [...]

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