Abandonment and Neglect

How to Flourish Even When You’re Getting Old

By |May 8th, 2024|Abandonment and Neglect, Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling|

In the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls, a show about the lives of four older women who live together in Miami, there’s one episode called “Who’s face is this, anyway?” that has some interesting dialogue about growing old and losing your charms. Blanche Devereaux, the character that defines herself by her sex appeal and looks faces something of a crisis after she attends a reunion with her sorority sisters. It turns out the years haven’t been kind to Blanche, or at least she doesn’t seem to think so. Her sorority sisters all got some work done and rendered Blanche unremarkable. She didn’t take this well as she was used to being the center of attention. At a plastic surgeon’s office where she intends to have her eyes, nose, and breasts enhanced, Blanche’s doctor tells her that while there are many good reasons to have that kind of work done, there are also a lot of bad ones. In response, Blanche, in a rare moment of vulnerability, says that all her life she’s relied on her beauty, but now that beauty seems to be fading and she’s scared because she’s never had to do without it. While not everyone can relate to Blanche’s struggle with her fragile beauty, as one gets older, some things get lost along the way – independence, good health, beauty, mental acuity, friends and other loved ones who pass away, and so much more. As one gets older, there are things that one depended on that one begins to lose, and that can be scary. Getting older entails a certain amount of loss, but it’s possible to flourish as you get older. Our culture shies away from old age, urging us to do everything we can to keep it at bay, whether through medical interventions such [...]

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Understanding Abandonment Issues: Causes and Signs

By |November 22nd, 2023|Abandonment and Neglect, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

If someone has abandonment issues, they can signal them in several different and seemingly unrelated ways. These can include unhealthy relationship habits, struggling to communicate, constant need for reassurance. If you are looking for help to more effectively cope with abandonment issues, then rest assured that experienced help is at hand. When someone ends an important relationship or friendship with us, or if someone that we are close to passes on, we will experience loss. The angst and anguish we experience as we go through these experiences is natural. When it comes to abandonment issues it is important to understand that these difficult and complex emotions do not pass normally. Rather a residue of them remains and this may lead to an unhealthy level of worry and fear of this abandonment happening again. If you or someone else struggles with abandonment, then common signs are a struggle to have healthy relationships, difficulty communicating with others, or failure to see one’s own value and self-worth. Defining abandonment issues. A form of anxiety and stress whose residue can affect relationships throughout a person’s life, the term “abandonment issues” cannot simply be interpreted as a medical diagnosis. Experts expect that the fear of being abandoned comes from an anxious attachment style or a trauma experienced in early childhood. Due to experiencing these emotional difficulties, one is unable to easily regulate their emotions. Unregulated worry, for example, can easily affect your actions and how you communicate. An anxious attachment style normally develops when a child’s need for security, and other needs, are not met by their caregivers. Almost all children with an anxious attachment style struggle with insecurities in the area of self-esteem, and some will also struggle with abandonment issues. Main causes. Safety and security are right at the base of Maslow’s [...]

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