We all struggle with feelings of low self-worth from time to time. Even the people who appear confident and self-assured are often covering up for feeling “not good enough.” Things like past traumatic experiences, emotional abuse in a relationship, or poor parenting are some of the things that impact our self-esteem. Sometimes, though, we say negative things about ourselves, and that fuels our feelings of low self-esteem. In this article, we’ll look at some positive tips for building self-esteem.

5 Affirmations for Building Self-Esteem

The good news is that we can build our self-esteem by speaking positively about ourselves. This is known as speaking affirmations. An affirmation is a truth that resonates with us.

Maybe at some point, there was a statement someone spoke about us that made us wince internally. Even the positive statements still make us feel something negative because they are hard to believe. These statements that touch a nerve are important because they show us the beliefs we cling to about ourselves.

“I do not need to achieve anything to be loved.”

As children many of us were only noticed or rewarded when we achieved something. For some of us, it still feels as if we are constantly working to be noticed and appreciated. It can be hard to love ourselves or accept love unless we have achieved something or done something perfectly.

The truth is that we are inherently worthy of love and affection even if we never achieve one thing in life. You are lovable because of who you are, not because of what you have achieved.

“My past mistakes do not make me a bad person.”

The Bible says that every single person has made mistakes, and yet every person is worthy because a good God created them. Some of us have indeed made worse mistakes than others, and there will always be consequences for messing up. However, nothing we have done or failed to do reduces our worth. You are loved despite your mistakes.

“People are not always judging me.”

Having low self-esteem often goes hand-in-hand with the feeling that everywhere we go, we are being scrutinized by judgmental people. This makes us self-conscious about everything, from our bodies to the way we accomplish simple tasks. The truth is that most people feel the same way and are too busy worrying about themselves to scrutinize your actions. You are not being constantly judged.

“My friends choose to be in my life because they love me.”

Many of us battling with low self-esteem have intrusive thoughts about the people in our lives. These thoughts whisper things like, “Your friends put up with you,” or “They’re getting tired of you but they’re too polite to show it.”

We need to build self-esteem by countering these thoughts with verbal declarations that take their power away. The truth is that, even if they don’t often say it, our friends choose to be in our lives because they love particular details about us. Your friends love you and want to be in your life.

“I have unique qualities that make me who I am.”

It’s so hard not to compare ourselves with others. Social media has a way of fueling our insecurities by showing us peers living lives that we could only dream about. The truth is that every person is unique, and we have all had particular journeys that have taken us to where we are now. These details cannot be replicated by anyone else; they are a part of who we are. Your story is unique and can never be copied.

Help is available if you want to build self-esteem

The intrusive lies that affect our self-esteem can only be countered by replacing the lies with truths. It’s a bit like pulling out weeds in a garden and replacing them with flower seeds. We can make affirmations that are specific to our situations and experiences, but the key is that we speak them aloud, as often as we can.

As we water those seeds daily, we will eventually have a garden flourishing with beauty and new life. Weeds will still grow, but we will know how to deal with them.

If you are struggling with low self-esteem, you might benefit from talking to a counselor at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Texas. Contact us today at Stone Oak Christian Counseling in Stone Oak, Texas and we will connect you with a professional counselor in Stone Oak who will work with you on taking steps toward building self-esteem.

“Pink Flowers”, Courtesy of Alisa Anton, Unsplash.com, CC0 License


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